Society for Urban Ecology 2nd world international congress 2016, Shanghai, China

Since 2013 I belong to the Society for Urban Ecology (SURE).  I am regularly attending SURE’s international conferences and meetings. SURE has been a wonderful interdisciplinary platform for exchanging scientific work in a friendly and constructive environment. Urban ecology has become the core of my research and disciplinary home, and SURE a wonderful host. In SURE I found the core group of scientist and friends I am regularly collaborating with. In July 2016 took place the 2nd world international SURE congress in Shanghai, China. I was session convener of 2 symposiums: 1) From urban sprawl to compact green cities, organized …

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Massive interest in our Urban Ecosystem Services Sessions! – Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) 2017 Conference, Shenzhen

Between 11-15 December 2017, the 9th ESP world conference will take place in Shenzhen, China. We have prepared two exciting sessions, containing five sessions on topics related to urbanisation & ecosystem services (B10) and spatial planning (T14). Information about sessions can be found here. Our session B10 entitled Urban Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Urban Development, has received a massive interest. We will host a long session lasting one day and a half, containing in total 27 oral presentations and eight posters. Our session T14 Ecosystem Services assessments and trade-offs. Methods and indicators for spatial planning has been very atractive as well, …

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Integrating ecosystem services supply from future land-use scenarios in protected area management

The establishment of protected areas (PA) is a pivotal strategy to conserve the declining forests and biodiversity worldwide. Due to poor infrastructure and a limited capacity of PA managers, most of the PA’s in developing countries fail to achieve their management targets. In this paper entitled: Integrating ecosystem services supply from future land-use scenarios in protected area management, we explored the potential to integrate ecosystem services (ES) into land-use planning, to better manage PAs in tropical countries. Firstly, we mapped the relative capacity of different land-use/land cover (LULC) to supply ES in and around the Satchari National Park (SNP) located …

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From urban climate to energy consumption

Energy Buildings (Q1, 5 years Impact Factor 3,666 Elsevier) has published our article on urban climate and energy consumption entitled: “From urban climate to energy consumption. Enhancing building performance simulation by including the urban heat island effect“. This publication is the result of my research visit to the Catholic University of the North, located in the Atacama desert in Chile. I have spent three months there researching on urban heat islands (UHI) with my colleague and friend Dr Massimo Palme. We worked hard during that time to bring together the urban and the building scales, bridging two research communities. The …

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CIPSEM Lecture. GIS for environmental studies

For the last 9 years I have been giving a lecture on GIS and Remote Sensing for environmental studies at the Centre for Postgraduate Studies on Environmental Management (CIPSEM) at TU-Dresden. This is a training in fundamentals of GIS and Remote Sensing where participants are expected to develop their spatial skills in image processing and vector geoprocessing. I focus on conceptual implications and practical applications of this powerful tools, with the objective to allow students to develop their own spatial data set, from the scratch, once back in their respective countries. Like other years, I fully enjoyed sharing time, experience …

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International workshop: Size of the Society, Debrecen Hungary

I attended this interesting workshop at the University of Debrecen, Hungary, with a presentation on material stock transfers between natural and urban ecosystems. I have spent wonderful days attending this extremely interesting, nice and warm workshop on metabolism at the Faculty of Economics and Business. The event was organized by István Kuti, CSc, Dr. Mihály Dombi, Dr. Andrea Bauerné Gáthy and Dr. Andrea Karcagi-Kováts.  Thank you very much for all your efforts to make the stay pleasant and warm. After this nice experience, I re-assure my preference for small, well-focused scientific meetings, rather than large fancy international conferences. I have presented …

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With my friend and colleague Dr. Massimo Palme, we had an excellent and very successful session on urban heat island in Prague during the WMCAUS 2017 conference. We had six fascinating presentations UHI at the urban scale: measurement methods and indicators Simulation of UHI at urban/building scale Effects of UHI in public health Impacts of UHI on energy consumption We would like to thank our colleagues and friends from Argentina, Chile, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain for joining our symposium.                 The WMCAUS conference has already published the full contribution in an indexed …

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Special Issue: The Size of the Society – Linkages Between Material Flows and Stocks of Socio-economic Metabolism


We have prepared a Special Issue on Linkages Between Material Flows and Stocks of Socio-economic Metabolism, to be published in during 2017-2018 in our journal CASES. Developed in collaboration with Dr. Mihaly Domby from the University of Debrecen, Hungary, our idea is to gather together manuscripts attempting a joint analysis of material stocks and flows.

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COLLOQUIUM – The socio-economic dimension in resilience studies in Latin America

The first week of December 2016 I was kindly invited by prof. Dr. Matthias Kiese, from the Institute of Geography at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, to give a lecture on urban resilience. I was for long having the wish to talk about Patagonia again, so this was the perfect occasion. Based on the example of the socio-ecological system of Punta Arenas, the southernmost continental Latin American city, in the presentation I have illustrated how the socio-economic dimension plays a fundamental role in the long-term resilience.

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