Since 2013 I belong to the Society for Urban Ecology (SURE). I am regularly attending SURE’s international conferences and meetings. SURE has been a wonderful interdisciplinary platform for exchanging scientific work in a friendly and constructive environment. Urban ecology has become the core of my research and disciplinary home, and SURE a wonderful host. In SURE I found the core group of scientist and friends I am regularly collaborating with.
In July 2016 took place the 2nd world international SURE congress in Shanghai, China. I was session convener of 2 symposiums: 1) From urban sprawl to compact green cities, organized with Martina Artmann and Peilei Fan and; 2) The metabolism of the urban ecosystems, organized with Nancy Golubiewski. Session’s attendance and discussion were great and fruitful. From the session on sprawl we are preparing a Special Issue in Ecological Indicators to be publish soon.

The metabolism session had a wonderful keynote given by prof. Stefan Norra, on the contributions of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, from the biosphere to the noosphere. Simply fascinating.

I am already looking forward the next conference in 2020 in Poznan!

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