Author: Dr.habil. Luis
CASES JOURNAL IS INVITING SUBMISSIONS! – Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems

The Journal Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems (CASES) offers an exclusive forum for R&D (a) on changes that impact the functioning of socio-ecological systems such as climate change or global change and (b) on measures, strategies and policies in tackling and adaption to current and future changes.
Dynamics of urbanization and Ecosystem Services provision in Latin America

Research about ecosystem services and urbanization is increasing in Latin America. From science & research point of view, it is still necessary to pave the way to put the framework of ecosystem services (ES) into practice, to translating the ES framework to applied disciplines such as urban planning, land planning, and management. This research project attempts to cope with this issue by making a spatial-temporal analysis of UHI trends,
El uso de los SIG en los estudios urbanos
La primera semana de Diciembre de 2013 fui invitado a exponer en el Coloquio “Teledetección. Recursos naturales y estudios urbanos” en la Universidad Mayor. El encuentro, que buscaba discutir los alcances y atributos de la teledetección, fue organizado por el Centro de Energía, Medio Ambiente y Ordenamiento Territorial (ROAM), en conjunto con la Facultad de Arquitectura y el programa de Magíster en Teledetección, impartido por la Facultad de Ciencias Silvoagropecuarias. (more…)
Webinar: El uso de los SIG y la Teledeteccion
Monitoring ecosystem dynamics in northwestern Ethiopia

Our paper about ecosystem dynamics in northwestern Ethiopia was published in Applied Geography (Q1 journal with a 5-year Impact Factor of 3.162) in February 2017. In this very much remote sensing piece we used a nice quantitative method for monitoring NDVI and climate variables. The aim was to assess long-term trends in dryland vegetation variability. Even though this topic has been largely treated in the scientific literature our innovative approach was to assess such dynamics in a spatiotemporal manner, focusing on “breakpoints” to disentangle general trends from abrupt changes. Using this approach is possible to identify non-environmental driving factors, such …
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