Urban Heat Island

I started to work on urban heat islands (UHI) as a natural consequence of researching on Climate Change (CC). In fact, UHIs are maybe the most common and worldwide spread effect of urbanization. Cities are dissipative structures where heat dissipation occurs as a consequence of deep ecological changes introduced in Land cover by the expansion of urban systems: soil sealing and building construction. The accumulation of technomass in urban environments increases the heat retention. Besides this, the very urban metabolism increases heat dissipation, due to transport and even human body emission, including air conditioning.

Since 2013 we have produced several publications, see here, here and here. For lectures, here and here, colloquiums, workshops, and conference presentations, here and here (page 9). The summer of 2016 I was invited by the Catholic University of the North, Chile, to continue our research on UHIs with Dr. Massimo Palme. I have spent a wonderful 3 months in Antofagasta, in the Atacama desert.  As a result of this visit, we have one manuscript submitted (forthcoming in Energy & Building) and one research proposal submitted for funding.

Currently, we have prepared a special session on UHI for the upcoming WMCAUS conference. More updates to come soon. If you want access to any of the aforementioned presentations, articles, etc. do not hesitate to contact me.